Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
The public health fanatics have a new enemy in their sights
The reality of tobacco control
To have a law does not mean that it will be respected
Leave those cigs along
A new tax on rolling tobacco will backfire
Havana splendid time
On the joy of cigar smoking
The evils of Panglossian prohibitionism
Banning the sale of tobacco would increase the black market in cigarettes
The bully state (w/ Christopher Snowdon)
Enjoy your guilty pleasures while you can
The poverty of anti-smoking laws
Smokers are not a drain on the economy
Disposable vapes and the race to prohibition
The state should enforce existing rules, not ban disposable vapes
How many people actually smoke?
Manchester memories and the black market in tobacco
The globalisation of sin taxes
The FCTC is a revealing exemplar of the unaccountable global quangocracy