Charles Amos
Charles Amos studied Political Theory at the University of Oxford and writes The Musing Individualist Substack. He tweets at @mrcharlesamos
In defence of the right to addictions
Paternalists should stop masquerading as defenders of liberty
Immigration restrictionists need more honest arguments
Our debates are side-stepping fundamental questions of morality
Was the Budget stupid or malicious?
It is going to fuel youth unemployment
British politicians are turning me into a libertarian
Their incompetence and presumptuousness is the best advert individualists have
The Meloni effect
How the Italian prime minister could reshape European politics
An open letter on academic free speech
Calls for more intellectual openness are not a defence of Islamists and Holocaust deniers. A response to Mark Ferguson MP
Will Syria’s Christians really be safe under HTS?
The evidence, alas, gives little cause for optimism
Badenoch’s “muscular liberalism” is a non-starter
The Conservative leader sounds hopelessly out of touch
No, Churchill wasn’t the bad guy
The debate over Britain’s wartime leader has been reignited by an ignorant revisionist account
Not a dull phrase
Ethel Smyth: 2nd sonata &c (Delphian)
A nuclear nothing?
Is Russia’s new nuclear doctrine hot air, or an explosive new factor in world affairs?
Food for thoughtlessness
The march of the public health puritans continues