Gavin McCormick
Gavin McCormick teaches Classics in London and is a co-editor of Antigone Journal. He tweets at @GMcCor
How to take on the culture warriors
Determining what is and isn’t appropriate is not the job of thought-policing left authoritarians
What future for Winchester Cathedral Choir?
The choral tradition in the cathedral must be enlivened rather than diluted
Hellenism in Rome
Children of Athens is an absorbing romp through Greek (and Roman) history
Two-tier justice in Northern Ireland
Why do only some killings deserve investigation?
The state Will Hutton is in
Dissecting a spiteful attack on British farmers
Only the truly privileged can be cultural relativists
It is easy not to judge appalling cultural practices from a distance
In defence of the incredulous stare
To argue is to indulge in a practice, with all that this entails
The US city on the banks of the Thames
Critics don’t care for Canary Wharf, considering it a monument of 1980s corporatism
Excluding Imran Khan is cowardly and wrong
Oxford University has made a serious mistake
An intelligent book on AI? Very nearly
The threat from AI comes from humans placing too much faith in complex but fallible systems
Marianna in the trenches
She wants to dive into the murky depths of social media, but her microphone can only scratch the surface
Reaping a bitter harvest
Labour are struggling to justify their own policies