Owen Edwards
Owen Edwards writes at The New Scrapbook and tweets at @OwenEdwards
AI is a terrible poet
It has no sense for true meaning and beauty in language
Let’s leave the Commonwealth
There is no point in being a member just to be browbeaten about our past
The EU is leaving Britain behind on immigration
The continent is waking up to the need for solutions, and Britain must wake up as well
Anti-Christian persecution is an international problem
Britain should use its diplomatic influence to help
Killing democracy to save it?
The annulling of the first round of the Romanian presidential elections should concern us all
The government must stand up to India on immigration
An exemption from National Insurance contributions would be intolerable
Are Jewish students really afraid of the Freedom of Speech Act?
Some of have raised concerns, yes, but generalisations are wrong and unhelpful
Free speech defenders should practice what they preach
There should be no illiberal exception for anti-Zionist academics
Impressive yet unmoving
Franz Schmidt: 4 symphonies (Naxos)
Don’t patronise female students
It’s insulting to think that women have to be treated with kid gloves
Historiography made exciting
A new book from Richard Davenport-Hines makes history interesting and enjoyable