Tom Moran
Tom Moran is a screenwriter working in television and film in the UK and US.
Lockdown was a choice
Agree with the policy if you like, but you can’t argue Lockdown harms were caused by Covid
Vaccine certification: when intolerance meets hypochondria
It’s high time that we stop allowing fear to rule our lives and re-establish a healthy relationship with the risks that have surrounded us since time immemorial
Vaccine passports and the recalibration of social ethics
Vaccine passports would undermine one of the most fundamental rights in a civilised society: autonomy over one’s own body
Death on demand?
Euthanasia offers only bad choices to the most vulnerable patients
In defence of hereditary peers
Starmer’s spiteful plan for the Lords breaks an important intergenerational contract
Labour’s move to ban speech on abortion won’t stop outside clinics
All dissent on the subject is being problematised if not criminalised
Britain should get serious about organised crime
We underestimate how much crime is the work of small, nasty groups of people
It’s the economy, stupid
The US election was another reminder of people’s biggest political priority
The costs of assisted suicide
The trade-offs are real and extremely serious
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies
The danger of naive humanitarianism
The rejection of force is complacent and unsustainable
The great British giveaway
The handover of the Chagos Islands reflects a wider lack of realism in UK foreign policy