Photo by Wayne Eastep

Jeepers creepers

Why do men with questionable histories want to work with vulnerable women?

Artillery Row

More and more men with histories of boundary breaching are finding employment working in supposedly single-sex organisations and spaces now that they say they identify as women.

What makes this particularly shocking, especially given the grooming gang scandals of the last two decades, is that the females they’re choosing to work with are often the most vulnerable and voiceless in society, and the institutions that should be the most safeguarding aware are simply welcoming them.


A male who uses the name Monica Sulley and started identifying as a woman in his 50s (and has managed to change his birth certificate to “girl”) has been named the divisional commissioner of a Nottinghamshire branch of Girlguiding, the biggest girls’ organisation in the UK.

The role involves overseeing multiple districts and hundreds of girls. 

Sulley, who also uses the name Tetley allegedly because it has sexual connotations has a history of posting violent and sexual images of himself online.

Sulley has posted pictures of himself brandishing a rifle in his home, as well as a sword, and has posted a picture of himself in BDSM gear with the caption “now behave yourselves or Mistress will have to punish you”.

His two Facebook profile pictures are of him surrounded by girls (we’ve blanked out their faces, he didn’t) and a picture of him in the bath. Sulley has also signed a petition in support of Aimee Challenor, another trans person who was kicked out of the Green Party when his election agent and father was jailed for raping a child, and was then kicked out of the Liberal Democrats when it emerged that his husband had written fantasies about hypnotising and raping children.

As Helen Watts, a former unit leader at Girlguiding who was thrown out for trying to defend single-sex spaces, wrote:

I am so angry. My name was dragged through the mud, I endured threats of violence, was called a terrorist, risked my career, lost my position, had to call the police and take legal advice. All for saying that sex matters, that girls’ consent, privacy and autonomy matters.

“Yet it’s OK for someone who is male to take a woman-only role, to post inappropriate images, including guns (Girlguiding has a total ban on any gun related games, even water pistols are not permitted), in such a way that anyone can find them. 

“Posting inappropriate violent and sexual content on social media gets a self-identified woman promoted.

“Girlguiding sends a very clear message to those who don’t care about safeguarding … usual rules don’t apply to them.”


Rachel Dios has been employed as an NHS treatment and recovery ward for women manager. This is Rachell Dios (on the right).

Dios works with women who’ve suffered serious trauma and head injuries and was once awarded for moving his office so that it was on the same corridor as where they were sleeping.

He said: “I made sure that my office was on the main bedroom corridor than tucked away. I’m not there very often, but when I am the patients can still see me.”

Rape crisis centre

Mridul Wadhwa is the CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. As with the examples above, he’s a man who identifies as a woman, even though the role was advertised as being reserved for a woman, and he doesn’t have a gender recognition certificate.

Along with a number of controversies, such as lying about his sex to secure a job at Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre, objecting to an amendment allowing rape victims to choose the sex of the medical clinician examining them, taking a place on an SNP all-women shortlist, siding with a period-obsessed litigant against a group of migrant women and discussing whether rape victims experience orgasm, this year he claimed that “bigoted” people seeking help from the organisation could be “challenged on their prejudices”.

 Interviewed on The Guilty Feminst podcast, Wadhwa stated:

“Therapy is political. Sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well. But these spaces are also for you.

“But if you bring unacceptable beliefs that are discriminatory in nature, we will begin to work with you on your journey of recovery from trauma. But please also expect to be challenged on your prejudices.”

He stated people holding “discriminatory” views who sought help after being sexually assaulted would be encouraged to “reframe their trauma”.

Some men enjoy making women feel uncomfortable

Women Scotland, a feminist campaign group, claimed Wadhwa’s comments had caused distress to many survivors of sexual violence. “The ‘bigots’ Wadhwa identifies are women who want female-only spaces in rape or domestic violence shelter and female-only counselling,” a spokeswoman said.

“It also concerned those with a background in counselling and mental health who wondered about the professional qualifications of one who apparently failed to understand that therapy must be non-judgmental.

“They also worried Wadhwa had reinvented or misunderstood the concept of ‘reframing trauma’, which is supposed to enable a survivor to understand their natural response to attack and ‘reframe’ any residual guilt they might feel in not having fought off the attacker or for having frozen.

“It is not supposed to be a vehicle for re-education or for making victims think they carry ‘prejudice’.”

As we’ve seen when trans activists turned up at JK Rowling’s house and then published her address online, some men enjoy making women feel uncomfortable. Could it be that transgender ideology has given those men an opportunity to go far further than they ever could have hoped?

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