A civilised discussion
If we are to defend civilisation, we had better pin down what we are talking about
Apocalypse soon?
Civilisations always rise and fall — ours is no exception
An unlikely man of the people
Kenneth Clark has been unfairly accused of elitism; he wanted to democratise the glories of Western art and make it available to all
Revolution in the Academy
The quest for knowledge, not power, ought to guide academia
Moving in mysterious ways
Normally, a warning comes with some kind of threat
When will bishops be held to account?
If you challenge the progressive establishment, prepare to be abandoned by the hierarchy of the Church of England
The authoritarian populism of Keir Starmer
This government is anything but technocratic
The ghosts of Tory past
The Conservatives are haunted by the spirits of the last two decades
Three decades of broken promises on immigration
Time and time again, Labour and the Conservatives have failed to deliver on their pledges
Recreational rioting
Is your right an existential threat to the nation or just blowing off steam? It depends on which flag you’re waving
In defence of hereditary peers
We should preserve Britain’s magical eccentricity
Podcasting while Britain burns
OK, OK, it’s all very deplorable, but Britain’s right wing bloggers still have to make a living
How short is an arm in the arts?
ACE’s politicisation goes back all the way to the Blair government