Planning to fail
Britain’s population is rapidly growing but the authorities seem implacably opposed to building new houses
A forever home
Architecture would be vastly more interesting if clients were happy to pay for character instead of accepting bland uniformity
The contested legacy of “Rocky Horror”
How should we interpret a film that is much more than a light-hearted camp classic?
The costs of assisted suicide
The trade-offs are real and extremely serious
Centre for a vassal state
Why is a think tank dedicated to “Inclusive Trade” trying to tie the UK to EU imports?
A passionate battler for buildings
A manichaean choice between the organic adaptation of old buildings and the beauty of the new
A race to the bottom
Women should not give legitimacy to an appalling platform
Wanted: a plan to reform the NHS
No serious party can sit out the ideological battle over the remorseless rise in public spending, including on health
South Africa needs better policies, not just better vibes
Political change must lead to economic change as well
Choosing enemies wisely
China manifestly wishes to avenge her past humiliation at Western hands
We should have the freedom to criticise Islam
Religious freedom entails the right to criticise a belief system as well as to adhere to it
“Nice” people need to read this book
How women have been hounded throughout the gender wars