Martin Howe
ERG ‘star chamber’ concludes that the Agreement restores British sovereignty
Boris Johnson’s deal has succeeded where Theresa May’s deal failed to convince the ERG’s spartans
The childishness of republicanism
Lidia Thorpe’s outburst is no reflection of the Australian attitudes towards the King
Merkel the Disaster
The sad dolts in the room are wrong about the former German chancellor
Don’t depend on Disney
Of course big business never cared about gender distressed children
No, Churchill wasn’t the bad guy
The debate over Britain’s wartime leader has been reignited by an ignorant revisionist account
Embrace uncool Britannia
Warhammer is a barnstorming British success, so why the lack of recognition?
An orderly and civilised society
The biggest missing idea in British politics
How should we teach about the Holocaust?
Keir Starmer’s social engineering aims seem ill-conceived
Is “love is love” only for white people?
The Tories have suddenly discovered the book of Leviticus
The effects of Brexit are still being misreported
A new paper has received a lot of attention — all of it undeserved