Communitarianism hits the ballot box
The local elections provided a glimpse of a future where voting is divided by ethnicity
“Muslim gangsters” and secular ironies
Finding religion does not always mean being reformed, and secularisation does not always mean being enlightened
Was Houellebecq right?
Reassessing the French novelist vilified for forecasting the Islamicisation of France
Is public religion the new heresy?
It makes no sense to argue that faith should not inform ethical decisions
Hoorah for winter!
Life comes alive again in October when you can start anticipating proper National Hunt racing
Are Jewish students really afraid of the Freedom of Speech Act?
Some of have raised concerns, yes, but generalisations are wrong and unhelpful
Confessions of a Melbourne Bus-Fare Evader
I am become bus, destroyer of bourgeois class consciousness
There is no “Woke Right”
A new attempt to delineate the boundaries of acceptable opinion has failed
An artist at the assizes
Cyril Hare was that rara avis: a circuit judge who could write like an angel
The grand Budapest hotel
The Hungarian Prime Minister’s office gives Orbán the space to think
Eventful afterlife of a visionary genius
Unexpected bit players in Friedrich’s story set this endeavour apart from your average art biography
A nuclear nothing?
Is Russia’s new nuclear doctrine hot air, or an explosive new factor in world affairs?