Stock Market
Markets are not neutral
It is politically advantageous to pretend they are — but it is untrue
Beware of the bull
The post-Covid stock market boom will be brought to an end by rising inflation
The dangerous fallacy of “self-deterrence”
The concept makes little sense and could create serious risks
The Age of Coles
The former vicar is perfectly suited for the Starmer years
The expensive problem with the minimum wage
Higher wages for some, perhaps, but joblessness for others
The futility of safeguards for assisted suicide
Lessons from Belgium and the Netherlands
Carole Cadwalladr’s conspiracy theory
The feverish paranoia obscures valid questions
Choosing enemies wisely
China manifestly wishes to avenge her past humiliation at Western hands
Is public religion the new heresy?
It makes no sense to argue that faith should not inform ethical decisions
How Putin uses history as a weapon
Russia’s new Tsar has rewritten the national story
The triumph of Irish populism
The three major parties went with what is popular, rather than what is right