Andrew Liddle
Andrew Liddle is a writer and columnist who tweets at @ABTLiddle
The half-forgotten promise of the Jubilee Line
The London Underground line points the way towards a better future
Sectarianism contra socialism
How did “left-wing” MPs end up voting for the VAT exemption for private schools?
Sean Scully in France
He’s been showered with honours and awards — yet plenty of people can’t stand his work
How should we teach about the Holocaust?
Keir Starmer’s social engineering aims seem ill-conceived
A beguiling star who loved melodrama
Taylor’s hunger for money, flashy gizmos and flashier gewgaws found its echo in Burton’s need to forsake the classics
Britain needs an actual leader of the opposition
Rishi Sunak is doing nothing to hold Keir Starmer to account
The Old Vic under siege
The King’s favourite Shakespearean need hardly trouble himself with such dreary details
South Africa needs better policies, not just better vibes
Political change must lead to economic change as well
Reparate good times, come on!
The Critic’s Extremely Factual Guide to Slavery Reparations the UK Most Definitely Owes