William Warham
A champion of the English Church unfairly eclipsed by his great rivals Wolsey, Cranmer and Cromwell
Common prayer
Britain, and her monarchy, have a language fitted for times of joy and sorrow alike — so why does the Church of England make such poor use of our traditional liturgy?
Executing the wills
The destruction of Britain’s probate records archive must be averted
Refuting the flat Earth fallacy
This rollicking adventure indicts lazy and self-satisfied readings of the past
In defence of narrative history
Stories make scholarship human
#ReceptioGate and the (absolute) state of academia
The numbers game has incentivised bad behaviour
A crisis of truths
In our partisan, post-truth age of fake news and “follow the science”, the link between facts, narrative and power has never seemed more stark
Utilitarians at the gate
Government and the purpose of higher education