Richard Negus

A sometime soldier, Richard Negus lays hedges on farms, shoots and estates throughout East Anglia. His new book is Words from the Hedge.

Cull of the Wild: Killing in the Name of Conservation. By Hugh Warwick

Landowners are reviled as enemies of the environment by the Jacobins of the green movement but these Poundland Robespierres are simply blinded by prejudice

Rewilding projects will never grow enough to feed the nation. A new model of nature-friendly farming is a better solution

There is little wonder the Government is falling so dismally short of its tree-planting targets

Today’s environmental movement owes much to the ideology of Britain’s pre-war Right

Our urge to anthropomorphise animals obscures the fact that we are all part of the same complex ecosystem

Richard Negus says the cruel sentimentality of the Hunting Act scars the countryside to this day, but the biggest loser is the animal it purported to protect