Christopher Bray

Christopher Bray is the author of 1965: The Year Modern Britain was Born

Age hasn’t withered Dylan. He was always running towards it, arms open wide.

Christopher Bray thinks Roth’s “novelist’s autobiography” is one of his most fizzing examinations of the stories that construct our various selves

Do we really need another biography about Francis Bacon? The answer is emphatically yes, says Christopher Bray

Highsmith was a great writer, with a moral vision bracing enough to clarify the terrors of the twentieth century

You will search in vain for a new life of any rocker who made his name after the advent of punk

Derrida’s prose, which stops being turgid only in order to be turbid, is utterly incomprehensible

The older you are, the quicker you count out a minute

Any history of the 1960s that neglects mass culture is not to be taken entirely seriously

Christopher Bray reviews Apropos of Nothing by Woody Allen

Christopher Bray reviews Warhol by Blake Gopnik