David Sergeant
David Sergeant used to work for Spectator Australia and now works in the House of Commons for a Conservative MP.
Life has become the avoidance of death
In the continual absence of metaphysics, life – shaped for many years by the pursuit of comfort – is now defined by the avoidance of death.
The predictability of subverting expectations
What to expect when you’re expecting your expectations to be subverted
Exilic yearnings
Miklos Rozsa: violin concerto (LSO Live)
The personal has become far too political
Something has gone very wrong when we are acutely aware of politics
Italy is right to extend its ban on surrogacy
It is good for women and it is good for children
The Conservatives must reject Human Quantitative Easing
It has been a disaster for the party and for the nation
On the awfulness of liberals
The Lords must put the Leadbeater bill to sleep
Opposing big government means opposing climate change
We need a market-led course to net zero
Smacking harms children
Smacking didn’t harm you? Maybe this debate isn’t for you
From El-Alamein to Ukraine
How has the nature of warfare changed since World War Two?