Britain needs more babies
Immigration cannot fix our economic or demographic ailments
Jordan Peterson and the condescension of Times columnists
20,000 people paying to watch a philosophy lecture is cause for celebration not scorn
AI will not satisfy
Human desires tend to be rooted in the human
The hubris of humanists
There is no case for a broader ban on conversion therapy
Happy to be a heretic
Difference is not betrayal and opinions are not violence
One of these books is worth reading …
Their rhetoric is unhinged, yet still they preen
Ubuntu and the path to progress
South Africa cannot continue down the road towards conflict
Alastair Campbell has it backwards on Ireland
The British government was too indulgent of Irish nationalists
The global surrogacy industry is proving feminists right
Women are being objectified and dehumanised in the name of progressivism
Planning to fail
Britain’s population is rapidly growing but the authorities seem implacably opposed to building new houses