Steven Barrett
Steven Barrett is a writer and barrister
The EU chooses lawlessness
The European Parliament is veering towards gunboat diplomacy
The Northern Ireland Protocol would be illegal in many countries
What makes the United Kingdom different?
How to be realistic on Ukraine
There is a route to peace, but it will take compromise
Office politics
There’s the joker, the slacker, and the bloke who just got fired
Procedural Man
The Process is good, the Process is correct, no matter what, trust the Process
There is no “Woke Right”
A new attempt to delineate the boundaries of acceptable opinion has failed
The grim quasi-religious doctrine of “unconscious bias training”
Baroness Royall’s commitment to the idea should concern Oxford students, academics and administrators
For Heaven’s sake, not Robert Jenrick
He’s the ideal candidate if you want the Conservatives to lose
Neither beautiful, nor true
The new Fourth Plinth commission creates moral and artistic confusion