Artillery Row

We need to think twice before saying chambers can’t take on a barrister due to private opinions previously expressed, says Andrew Tettenborn

The Scottish Conservatives self-congratulation is delusional. They have not stopped the SNP.

Caitlyn Jenner’s candidacy is the latest blow to any distinction between celebrity and politics

The Frankfurt-based Aris Quartet play Beethoven with sweeping flair and something close to insouciance

As the BBC’s adaptation of The Pursuit of Love begins, Alexander Larman questions whether the new dramatisation will do justice to Nancy Mitford’s 1945 novel

…as long as you’re not from the UK. How the government has gaslit British workers

The puritanical secularism of the American Humanist Association is a stark departure from the founding principles of humanism

The proposals to develop and build on the West Yorkshire moors is an act of vandalism which should be abhorrent to all who identify as conservative

Olivia Hartley and Dr Arabella Byrne talk about Napoleon’s legacy and why the French love anniversaries

After losing Hartlepool to the Conservatives, the Labour Party would do well to take heed of Jon Cruddas’s new book