Artillery Row
Irreversible damage
Trans “healthcare” has been utterly discredited, but activists are undeterred by the evidence
Bad education
Under Labour a deeply ideological education sector could go very quickly and badly wrong
Reformed towns
The Reformation was a transformative moment in English urban history
Language, landscapes and level crossings — is there nothing we can’t diversify, if we only dare to try?
Portraits in cowardice
Conservative MPs need to rediscover their spines if they want to be effective
Something rotten in the state of Germany
The Bundestag has weakened the criminal penalties for child pornography
Postmodern fantasy
Modern fantasy authors often try to subvert traditional religion, with bleak and unoriginal results
Is fat a feminist issue?
Accepting your body is a selective exercise for some progressives
Beware of the K-Hype
The strange state of the States
Without a twist
This weather-based thriller is all hot air, but who doesn’t enjoy a warm summer breeze?