Jorge González-Gallarza

Jorge González-Gallarza is a senior fellow at the Center for Fundamental Rights (Budapest) and co-hosts the Uncommon Decency podcast on Europe. He tweets at @JorgeGGallarza

Spanish unity is being bartered away in a game of political greed as a Catalan coup-leader is allowed to stroll back into the country

As Spain’s national-conservatives get outflanked by “Alvise”, Europe’s “new right” would do well to watch the fringes, too

Could Argentina’s “madman” President rescue his country from a century of decline?

The European Union refuses to call out democratic backsliding when orchestrated by the left

A power-hungry socialist Prime Minister has struck a deal with separatists

Ahead of the Spanish elections, the alliance opposing the leftist ruling coalition is falling apart

Are the Hungarian Prime Minister and his allies poised to take over the institutions of the EU?

Does exhuming the remains of a nationalist icon represent progress or division?

For left-wing author Giles Tremlett, concord is the telos of Spain’s history — on the left’s terms, that is

We should celebrate achievements, not just condemn vice