Artillery Row
Open your third eye
Glastonbury against the machine
Private passions in the public square
The ground shifts under leading American conservative thinkers like RR Reno
The Idea of a twenty-first century University
Newman’s Idea of The University imagined by Jeremy Black and William Gibson for the modern world
Democratic capitalism on holiday: the buffet
Is the sophisticated joy of the buffet coming to an end?
Can theatres survive the crisis? And should they?
How can theatres come out of this, asks Alexander Larman
Why this Vote Leave government won’t rush out of lockdown
A poll a day keeps the let out away
The Misdirection of the Fat Police
Focusing on obesity distracts from the real reasons we’ve had such high death rates
Abnormal People
The TV adaptation that reflects the falsity of campus novels
This too shall pass
People want their pre-covid lives back. It falls on the vigilant to make sure that happens
A literary pilgrimage to a watery grave
Following in the footsteps of the author J.G. Farrell