Lewis Baston

Lewis Baston is a psephologist, historian and biographer of Reginald Maudling. During the rare moments when there isn’t a UK general election, he is writing a book about borderlands in Europe. He tweets @lewis_baston

Following the locals, a shattered Conservative party will need to get used to losing

Liz Truss’s story is a salutary tale

The land of Morbia was revealed to me in a dream

The constituency boundary review is in, and it makes for very long reading

Labour, the Lib Dems and the Greens need to work as one if they are to overcome an electoral system that helps the Conservatives

Borders, the body politic and the last inauguration

The red wall was a patronising generalisation about a huge swathe of the country

Lewis Baston’s guide to watching the election results intelligently

How parties peek at postal votes before polling day