What is Toryism for?
What has it done if it has not made a system it wishes to defend?
No dog in this fight
A Labour government will bring fresh disasters to replace the old Tory ones, but the Critic will continue its policy of honest criticism
Do the right thing
Doubling down will end the Tories as a party of government
Bloody opposition
The Tories have left Britain in the hands of managers, judges and technocrats
What law? What order?
Shit, piss and the ever-present threat of violence, as the meek and law-abiding hold back
The court of hot air
We do not need human rights law to protect human rights or to maintain the rule of law
A discordant song
Classical music may be the worst casualty of identitarian politics
Less will be better
More students have been worse. Some became dons — they have been worse too
No happy endings
Our worst sin has been to be weak, rather than merely to be wrong
Silent night
The agony of global Christianity goes unheard in the West