On Pop

Britpop has a bad reputation for stolid, white-boy basicness now, but it’s not a reputation Parklife deserves

Sarah Ditum says that the focus on Timberlake as a bad agent conveniently forgets the machine behind him

Country music has a frontline place in the culture wars, says Sarah Ditum

The average rock band from the 1980s onwards dressed as if they were going to fix your car, not blow your mind

How do you love a song you disagree with?

It took me a while but now I really appreciate Amy Winehouse

A good Bond song should include swooning strings, stabbing horns and a chorus the size of the moon, explains Sarah Ditum

The space for criticism to exist grows smaller and the archways that sustained its presence crumble away, laments Sarah Ditum

In praise of pop smut

Everything with The Beatles happened at double time, thrilling but draining too, says Sarah Ditum