Results for "Graham Stewart"

This election has broken the aura and expectation accorded to TV debates

The Conservatives can hardly claim to be the friend of the armed forces

Rishi Sunak’s first budget was Keynesian not Corbynite

John Mills believes a new exchange rate policy is key to rebalancing the currency

The definition of Islamophobia threatens honest debate about multi-culturalism

Churchill’s stroke in 1953 does not create a workable precedent for Dominic Raab to follow

Who should determine Britain is trading with a genocidal regime – international judges? British judges? Or the British government?

Is the Home Office serious about sending asylum seekers to a British island?

The Scottish Conservatives self-congratulation is delusional. They have not stopped the SNP.

PMQs pitches a Cavalier prime minister against his Roundhead opponent. But Boris risks a lot as “the Rupert of debate”