Agony Aunts
The wisdom of agony aunts
Advice columns are conforming to the outlook of their publication
Lightweight Kate Winslet
Our most versatile of English roses must accept that one role is beyond even her
Medieval treasures of Germany
Aachen and the great temples of medieval Europe seem like vast spiritual power stations
Going Rogue
An interesting if unappealingly illustrated reassessment of a neglected style
Revising Roman rottenness
The monsters of old can teach us about the monsters of today
A Chancellor should be a fine thing
The University of Oxford’s Chancellor election has descended into farce
The golden age of criticism?
There are good reasons why serious writers no longer review in the national press
Ageing gracelessly?
A new book on care is filled with empirical insights but short on rhetorical power
Now’s your time, House of Lords
The upper house must prove its worth by opposing the shabby Chagos Islands deal
The half-forgotten promise of the Jubilee Line
The London Underground line points the way towards a better future
Sometimes it’s best to shoot the messenger
Ordinary citizens feel a greater claim than ever before to what goes on in public institutions