At Risk
How detached will Northern Ireland be from Brexit Britain?
Despite agreement in the Joint Committee, the disruption to trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland remains considerable
Now’s your time, House of Lords
The upper house must prove its worth by opposing the shabby Chagos Islands deal
The EU is leaving Britain behind on immigration
The continent is waking up to the need for solutions, and Britain must wake up as well
Accidental Orientalism
Britain has been reduced to selling a cheap simulacrum of its history
Consent isn’t everything
Protections against violent sexual encounters are being dismantled
A house divided
American partisan divisions are the result of social atomisation
Don’t idolise Roger Scruton
Our reverence for the late thinker must not limit our imaginations
How Britain has imported Bangladeshi politics
A failure to take immigration and integration seriously means that Britain has to deal with other nation’s problems
Don’t bite the hand that feeds the birds
The government’s flawed biodiversity analysis endangers successful state-funded schemes
The future that never came
Post-war London was saved from a modernist masterplan
Defend the bishops’ bench
Removing the Lords Spiritual from the House of Lords would be constitutional vandalism
The first female President will be Republican
American conservatives are far less averse to assertive women than the political left