Walking the path of the stupidly rich
Serious Money tracks the excesses and indulgences of those with wealth to burn
Professor Barry Mole: Scholarly Obsessive
Some things should stay buried
Going to the ends of the earth
A thrilling story of machismo, mutiny and madness in the Pacific
The Queen’s Jubilee Book List: why did they bother?
The choices show a lack of levity, imagination and courage
A Room with a Feud
What happened to robust — and, yes, rude — literary criticism?
Young Stalin’s unlikely London holiday
Stephen May’s new novel is a triumph of historical fiction
The Critic Books Podcast: The Golden Rule
In discussion with novelist Amanda Craig about her latest book
A bitter brew from darkest Peru
Iain Sinclair on the trail of his Victorian ancestor
Brass and bullshit
Influencer is just another name for snake-oil salesman
Very essence of a Jewish writer’s life
Howard Jacobson stands his life on its head