Cancel Culture
Kirk Douglas and cancel culture
Do we believe all stories as true, or presume innocence until proven guilty?
Cancel the war on progressives
Cancel culture hurts most those who cheer it on
Fraser Nelson’s immigration holdout
The columnist may still be fighting but the war has been lost
An excess of Fauré
Gabriel Fauré: Violin concerto (Naxos), Complete piano works (Calliope)
A wealth of glorious objects and images
A new book about the discovery of classical sculptures and frescoes is itself a real treasure
Living the good life
The rising middle classes were decisive in shaping the late 19th century English town
Cometh the hour, cometh the dealmaker
Trump’s ego might be just what the world needs
Doublespeak about assisted suicide
The campaign for assisted suicide is distinctly Orwellian
The self-destruction of the centrists
Chaos looms for the Conservative Party
Will judges protect free speech for Christians?
A new case will determine whether expressing normal Christian beliefs precludes employment
Save nursing from the universities
There is no need for nursing to be a graduate only occupation
The Meloni effect
How the Italian prime minister could reshape European politics