Critical Social Justice
The madness of crowds
Andrew Doyle has been warning about Critical Social Justice for years, and he kept the receipts
Teaching by the critical race book
Holyrood is seeking to embed social justice theory in schools
The unorthodox Englishness of Derek Jarman
The filmmaker was too complex to be reduced to a mere iconoclast
Carelessness in the community
Who are the “community leaders” who are currently shaping police policy in Birmingham?
Giving Mozart a makeover
Mozart: The Salzburg Project (Warner)
A craven surrender
The handover of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius represents a mindless and unjust capitulation to a foreign power
Beef stew
Drake might be literally alive, but in terms of reputation, this was a murder
The US city on the banks of the Thames
Critics don’t care for Canary Wharf, considering it a monument of 1980s corporatism
Do the arts need policy?
Decoupling creativity from policy might give art ambition again
The failure of the Irish nerve
Politicians are not acting and the public are not forcing them to act