Just when can women let ourselves go?
Expectations can be just as oppressive as we age
Feminist fallacies: Empowerment
Women aren’t passive objects; we don’t need to wait around for somebody to grant our empowerment
Make high culture popular again
We need to face the music and embrace the highbrow
Reaping a bitter harvest
Labour are struggling to justify their own policies
The death of modern Britishness?
Attempts to construct a dehistoricised national identity have failed
Was Houellebecq right?
Reassessing the French novelist vilified for forecasting the Islamicisation of France
The nurseryfication of culture
Alienation has encouraged the normalisation of childishness
An open letter on academic free speech
Calls for more intellectual openness are not a defence of Islamists and Holocaust deniers. A response to Mark Ferguson MP
Boris the Innocent
The Johnsonian lexicon has yet to incorporate the word “responsibility”
The problem with petty scandals
They distract us from state failure and institutional decay
Sausage to fortune
Vague promises might haunt Starmer more than an embarrassing gaffe
Junk food? More like junk statistics
New claims about the costs of obesity are wildly exaggerated