Alexandra Wilson

Alexandra Wilson is a musicologist, cultural historian and commentator on the arts. She has taught at the Universities of Oxford, Birmingham and Newcastle, the Open University and Oxford Brookes, and currently holds a Research Residency at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. She tweets at @amwilson_opera

We need interesting authors, not “big names”

Click-hungry editors should stop enabling philistinism

People can put down their phones for the duration of concert

Classical music has been tarnished with the dread word “elitism”

The glorious tradition of British choral singing should be defended

The stakes feel very high when our younger years become the stuff of popular entertainment

Research is an essential feature of academic life

An element of fiction can bring insights and humanity that pure non-fiction lacks

An awful lot of talent and experience is about to be wasted

We should resist the cultural reductionism of the modern “creative industries”