The Anglo-Dutch moment and its consequences
The English and the Dutch owe more to each other than they realise
The first victim of empire
England is an ongoing casualty of the British imperial project
London has lost its soul
National renewal must start with the capital
The rise of suburbia
The English experiment in liminal living
England is not yet lost
Where else would you rather be from?
This is England, nor are we out of it
Englishness isn’t an ethnicity, or even an idea. It’s more like auto-destructive art
Midlands marvels and mysteries
A fitting if flawed tribute to one of England’s more undersung counties
Towards a shared Englishness
There is a third way between civic nationalism and ethno-nationalism
The unorthodox Englishness of Derek Jarman
The filmmaker was too complex to be reduced to a mere iconoclast
Urban insecurity and conflict
The medieval English town was subject to fire, flood, plague — and revolution