Fine Gael
The pain of Sinn Fein
How has support for the party fallen so dramatically?
The fools, the fools, they’ve left us the opposition
Ireland’s civil war political parties are determined to sink together
On cockroaches and cancellation (w/ James Dreyfus)
How ideology is spoiling the arts
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies
In defence of the incredulous stare
To argue is to indulge in a practice, with all that this entails
From the monstrous to the grotesque
Hitler’s cult of charismatic leadership is indistinguishable from the ideology of National Socialism
Why personal insults fail
Getting personal might be mean, but it is also ineffective
Procedural Man
The Process is good, the Process is correct, no matter what, trust the Process
Dress code
How did Starmer not know how it would look? (The donation, not the clothes)
No interest in national interests
The government is not putting Britain first
Cultural appropriation is here to stay
So-called cultural appropriation is an American obsession, cheerfully ignored by a fast globalising world
Why is the BBC so obsessed with drag?
Incessant coverage of drag shows and drag queens has become something of a running joke