
An unholy alliance of Berlin capitalists and intellectuals has disastrously misjudged the Ukraine war

Jeremy Black discusses German identity in the 700 years between Charlemagne and the Reformation

Professor Jeremy Black discusses the effect that Martin Luther and the Reformation had on the German lands in the sixteenth century

How did Europe’s wealthiest state come to finance the greatest tyrant of the 21st Century?

We must see beyond the myths surrounding the Ukraine crisis

Two newly translated books evoke chapters of the divided and discarded history of Germany’s capital

When Hitler came to power, the bubble burst

John McCloy freed Hitler’s favourite industrialists. Their firms still dominate the country’s economy

Norman Lebrecht on how Marion von Weber was both interesting and important to Mahler’s emergence

Mahler’s political journey from Baader-Meinhof terrorist to Holocaust denier illustrates Germany’s post-Hitler psychodrama