Trick nor Treat: the hounding of Halloween
Dressing up for Halloween has been cancelled by the culture police
The first female President will be Republican
American conservatives are far less averse to assertive women than the political left
Killing democracy to save it?
The annulling of the first round of the Romanian presidential elections should concern us all
The city and its uncertain plot
Despite fascinating thematic material to work with, Murakami still makes it ploddingly dull
Why has Tehran released Toomaj Salehi?
The regime is said to be split over whether to target high-profile protesters
Much more than mere child’s play
Children’s literature is the platform on which everything else is built
The opportunism of anti-police activists
Continued agitation around the death of Chris Kaba is inexcusable
Look on our works, ye voters, and despair
Nothing beside remains except the colossal wreck of the Tory Party
The Meloni effect
How the Italian prime minister could reshape European politics
Is university still worth it?
Rising fees raise questions about the value of some degrees