Holyrood election
Winning by inches or losing by miles?
The Scottish Conservatives self-congratulation is delusional. They have not stopped the SNP.
How many Nationalist parties does it take to change a lightbulb?
Will Salmond’s Alba Party split or maximise the pro-independence vote in May?
When will bishops be held to account?
If you challenge the progressive establishment, prepare to be abandoned by the hierarchy of the Church of England
Twilight of the gods
The eclipse of the gilded 1980s generation can be seen as a welcome changing of the guard
A very innocent man
Donald Trump is innocent squared. He never does, or is, anything by halves
Sport, strength and pseudo-feminism
We should expose the emptiness of femininity compared to femaleness
Keep prisoners of war off social media
Social media platforms are incentivising war crimes
Sheikhs on a train
Patronising foreign people, and other progressive trends
The slow death of public spaces
Pointless regulations are sucking joy from British life
The intimacy of thoughts
An excess of technology burdens a cerebral adaptation