What’s the point of university during a freedom of speech crisis?
Students should be taught to do more than agree
“Social justice” is damaging education
Teaching is in danger of degenerating into indoctrination
The scourge of EDI
It is patronising, divisive and anti-meritocratic
The final death of left v. right?
Old political categories are losing their value
Life as a lonely quadrant voter
Who should you vote for if you lean left economically and right culturally?
The Conservatives must return to the centre
Populist demagoguery has ruined the party
WHO do they think they are?
Politicians should be more sceptical about ideology packaged as “public health”
Children need education, not indoctrination
We need more debate on what children are being taught in RHSE
How ideology threatens to corrupt science
Ideological censorship in science is antithetical to its purpose and its methods
More shenanigans at the RIBA
Ideologues and marketers are ruining the Royal Institute of British Architects