Insulate Britain
Mire of conflicting duties
Acceptable speech turns into unjustified coercion as police stand by
Crime without punishment
It should not be difficult to distinguish between political protest and disrupting national life
Astroturfing XR
Why are Extinction Rebellion pretending not to be linked to “Insulate Britain”?
Disaster zone
It’s a big job says Keir Starmer, and it’s not our mess we’ll be clearing up
Sometimes it’s best to shoot the messenger
Ordinary citizens feel a greater claim than ever before to what goes on in public institutions
Sean Scully in France
He’s been showered with honours and awards — yet plenty of people can’t stand his work
The grim quasi-religious doctrine of “unconscious bias training”
Baroness Royall’s commitment to the idea should concern Oxford students, academics and administrators
Why I, as a mother…
Being a mother can change our perspectives and priorities
The problem with petty scandals
They distract us from state failure and institutional decay
How Roman women were victimised twice
The victims of abuse could also be degraded by historians
In defence of the incredulous stare
To argue is to indulge in a practice, with all that this entails
The crisis at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre
Serious as it is, it is no anomaly