There is a lushness to this expanded Letters
There is frequent reporting of local news, often betraying a hobbit-like
preoccupation with the availability of beer
The Rise of the Dominics
Dominic Green on the prevalence of his own name
They call it Poppy love
Poppy is, simply, a dog who knows what she wants
Only abortion is like abortion
Don’t tack on abortion to create an impression of progressive goodness
Donald Trump is a wake-up call for Europe
We cannot complacently depend on the US
Are all Christians monks?
George Guiver’s book exudes down-to-earthiness, bordering on irreverence
The effects of Brexit are still being misreported
A new paper has received a lot of attention — all of it undeserved
Don’t idolise Roger Scruton
Our reverence for the late thinker must not limit our imaginations
Tom Stoppard’s Hampstead drama
Best not try to memorise this deceptive Connect Four of relationships — just get into the flow
How Britain has imported Bangladeshi politics
A failure to take immigration and integration seriously means that Britain has to deal with other nation’s problems
Cometh the hour, cometh the dealmaker
Trump’s ego might be just what the world needs