Potted Plants
A word to the wise
The plants are listening, says Hephzibah Anderson
A rose for a tight spot
Hephzibah Anderson scents success in a pot
They call it Poppy love
Poppy is, simply, a dog who knows what she wants
Hoorah for winter!
Life comes alive again in October when you can start anticipating proper National Hunt racing
Subscribe to save the BBC
A radical new solution to the problem of the BBC’s outmoded licence fee that could ensure more high-quality programming
Noisy decline
Blaring incongruous sound is as much a sign of urban decay as piles of litter
Oasis: the good boys of rock and roll
For guitar bands since punk, there’s been a tension between credibility and success
London has lost its soul
National renewal must start with the capital
Dissolve the hotbeds of wokery
Failing universities should go the way of the monasteries under Henry VIII
British industry has forgotten how to use its voice
Corporate cowards are not standing up to the government
Should you really admit to regretting having kids?
Lamenting parenthood creates a psychological trap
Why Christian culture is essential to education
It deeply informed our art and our ideas