sexual orientation
Not having a gay old time
On BBC radio’s preoccupation with Americans and identity politics.
Shades of Gray
Never underestimate the mysterious yet powerful Sue Gray
“Bold vision”
An action or choice can perfectly well be bold without being good
Was the Budget stupid or malicious?
It is going to fuel youth unemployment
Is public religion the new heresy?
It makes no sense to argue that faith should not inform ethical decisions
In praise of Elon Musk
He deserves respect for his defence of free expression online
The dangerous lure of Europe
We must disincentivise economic migration to European states
Turkey must be at the centre of Donald Trump’s policy for the Middle East
It would be pure folly to alienate such an important regional power
When the farmers took on Starmer
It was an inspiring day in London as farmers resisted Labour’s class warfare
Season’s bleatings
Christmas is almost here, but our MPs are not in the festive spirit
Why won’t Chris Whitty go away?
He lingers on — a slap-headed Rasputin whispering terrible ideas into the ears of our leaders
The costs of assisted suicide
The trade-offs are real and extremely serious