Spotify Wrapped
Spotify Wrapped is good for the soul
On the joys of exploring a year in music
Where are the calls for blasphemy laws coming from?
We should consider the voters as well as the politicians
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies
Rocking the Reichstag
Women across the world have been protesting against the bizarre new German self-ID laws
The great migration
What will Twitter do without its smuggest inhabitants?
Butterfield’s glorious vindication
Received opinion was wrong about William Butterfield’s powerful architecture
What is behind the ECHR debate?
We should stop pretending that moral disagreements can be reduced to technical debates
Was the Budget stupid or malicious?
It is going to fuel youth unemployment
Landscapes of allusion and illusion
On the architecture of recreation
Don’t trust the Runnymede Trust
The law is too indulgent of political charities
Violence is a feature of porn, not a bug
Aggression towards women permeates the most popular pornography