Streaming Services
The cinematic future is bright
“The End” is in sight for communal film-watching, right? Wrong
Long story short
Movie length seems to have become a way for directors to tell us what serious people they are
The dangers of digital media
By abandoning physical media, have we exposed ourselves to censorship and corporate control?
Calm down, dears!
Donald Trump offers no threat to Britain’s core ideological commitments and is unlikely to radically change U.S. foreign policy
Homes for heroes
MPs are committed public servants who need accomodation in London to do their job
Defending life and liberty
Abortion buffer zones hurt, rather than help women and babies
Donald Trump should not heed the call of foreign policy hawks
The world is not split neatly between good guys and bad guys
A constructive opposition
The age of Badenoch is off to a suitably farcical start
War returns to Kursk
Could the famous WW2 era battlefield be yet another military turning point?
Dress code
How did Starmer not know how it would look? (The donation, not the clothes)
Tory Utopias
1940s Conservatism was seething with creativity and optimism