Thought for the day
Defender of the faith
Daniel Johnson remembers Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, wise and generous friend, guide and mentor
Smacking harms children
Smacking didn’t harm you? Maybe this debate isn’t for you
Now’s your time, House of Lords
The upper house must prove its worth by opposing the shabby Chagos Islands deal
Booty contest
This book sets out to rebalance ahistorical narratives of how museum collections were constructed
They call it Poppy love
Poppy is, simply, a dog who knows what she wants
The definitive Brexit book—for now
Shipman captures the compelling drama of Britain’s greatest peacetime political crisis since the People’s Budget
The fading fumes of the New Right
None of the Tory candidates offer the chance of an ideological makeover
Consent isn’t everything
Protections against violent sexual encounters are being dismantled
Can we save our parish churches?
It will take cultural as well as institutional change
The WASPI women should blame themselves
No injustice has been done to them