Tony Blair

Twenty years ago, the Conservative Party was at its lowest ebb. But on the night of New Labour’s greatest triumph, one man promised to revive their fortunes…

Rejected and reviled former prime ministers should stay in the political graveyard where they belong

The Bumper Book of Scottish Political Counterfactuals: In which Tony Blair takes his rightful place as First Minister

Labour will take a long view on borrowing in order to avoid being the party of big tax rises

25 years on from Srebrenica and our Balkan interventions

Eric understood that the system had to stop being a relic of the past

LA may not be the place for true socialist privacy

Since Blair doesn’t seem to count for many members, they have no positive model of Labour in power

Factories of elite opinion like the Economist will fail if they produce shoddy goods

A Lobby made man on the decline of the parliamentary press from feared newsbreakers to humdrum hacks