Trans Activism
Even the disadvantaged can disadvantage
Woke sexism is still sexism; gay misogyny is still misogyny
Women should agree to disagree
Feminists should forget about pronouns and labels and tackle the real issues of women’s lives
The deconstruction of women
Don’t misuse biology to hide the nature of sex
Yes, I’m on the wrong side of history
Feminists usually are
Inconvenient victims
A woman deserves more sympathy than her killer
Bullying your mum isn’t activism
Political purity is another mask for patriarchy
Sturgeon turns her back on women
Women will not forgive her but we will fight on
The authoritarianism stalking Ireland
A secular clerisy is silencing dissent
The trans shaming of a rape survivor
The shocking case of an assault victim denied life-saving surgery because she asked for single-sex facilities
Elon Musk: worse than Hitler
In which Titania tries to keep things in perspective