Vladimir Bukovsky
Tristram and the tyrants
Laurence Sterne’s 250-year-old masterpiece is a radical, riotous celebration of liberty loathed by both Nazis and communists
The dangerous lure of Europe
We must disincentivise economic migration to European states
Booty contest
This book sets out to rebalance ahistorical narratives of how museum collections were constructed
All gone to look for America
The show is a mishmash, in need of some pruning and a sharper edge
Landscapes of allusion and illusion
On the architecture of recreation
The attractions of extremes
Are we going to become ever more passive consumers of other people’s thoughts and memories?
The case for duelling
A Modest Proposal: If yes to assisted suicide, then why not duelling?
(DTB) Don’t Trust Boris
The former prime minister is up to his old tricks
Bad guidance and empty words
The government cannot be trusted to protect single-sex spaces
War, peace and city streets
How English towns survived the Blitz and entered the modern world
If Donald Trump wins, it’s over
Three assassination attempts prove irrefutably that Trump is guilty of inciting violence
An actor’s story is a late career marvel
Cleverness is a virtue in itself but is never sterile or without purpose