
Will traditional museums be replaced by modern “experiences”?

View from Oxford: a year in woke

Andrew Doyle wonders why so many comedians are offended by the satire of Titania McGrath

View from Oxford: the Fortune Wheel of grievance spins yet again

Simon Henderson’s top-down revolution at Eton has lost the trust of too many parents, staff, and donors for him to remain in place

Uprooting hate in the garden, fighting balance at the BBC and cancelling a racist ambassador

Liz Truss doesn’t lack courage

The former Queen of the Groucho Club, for all her contradictions, is a rare voice of courage in an increasingly conformist world

Is there any clear route out of the philosophical modernity and nihilism that plague our reality?

Nicholas Shackel, a Professor of Philosophy at University of Cardiff, explains how to turn the prisoner’s dilemma into the free speaker’s game